About Me

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Phunck is in twenty's , single, shows himself to be very daring. But is he? He often asks himself!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Why here?

Ok, let me not get into this whole stuff about asking myself, Why am I here?
You see i get stuck by these typically "Why?" kind of imperativeness about myself and trying to come out with something extraordinary..
Well I am 22, single, male a software Professional and live in Hyderabad, a city which i find very close to myself.
Oh, and why so because i am able to relate myself to it and that is why I love it.
I don't know how long I'll be able to sustain this blog, because i have a dreadfully monotonous routine
I don't even know if this is the right time i for me to blog, but I am getting hopelessly bored, with not many friends
around me at this part of my life.... I am blogging
And yes as for the title of my blog...it comes from my past and present, and i am looking to make amends for the future :)
Well I am sounding like a man with a mission to make amends to his future, but so be it!